Friday, April 26, 2013


This information doesn’t have anything to do with music or local events, but it is definitely worth talking about. Anyone that grew up during the Ghostbusters era will understand why it is hella exciting that Dan Aykroyd just gave an update on the near-mythical Ghostbusters 3.

The new Ghostbusters flick has been stuck in so-called "development hell" for over a decade and Bill Murray has declined to reprise his key role as Dr Peter Venkman. Back in February (2013). That toally sucks! He’s a pivotal character, fek! 

Nevertheless the show must go on and Aykroyd has confirmed Ghostbusters 3 is still in the works, insisting the film's script is looking promising. "I feel re-encouraged, reinvigorated by the pages that I have seen. I know that we're expecting half of the screenplay to be completed very soon," he told ABC News. "It should be into production by the fall and be shooting by the new year. I won’t say anything, it's very exciting."
Aykroyd even gave a few geeky teasers regarding the film's premise, saying: "The Higgs boson and the particle theories, gluons and mesons - that really gives us a scientific base in terms of our fictional storytelling, to open up to another dimension and have something horrible come through."

Aykroyd and co-star Harold Ramis wrote the original 1984 Ghostbusters film and 1989's Ghostbusters II. However, the pair have apparently struggled to come up with a workable concept for the third movie and now Men In Black 3 writer Etan Cohen is believed to be drafting the script.

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