Friday, July 20, 2012


Lili Jackson is a sweetheart, a foxy hippie and an artist all rolled into one. The east side wouldn’t be the same without this wildflower who loves socializing as much as she loves creating art. Always on the go, this jet setting babe is has no problem schooling you on politics and philosophy between flights. Luckily we caught up with her to chat about all the things that make her so intriguing. Without further ado, welcome to Lili’s world…

Pseudo names: LiLibear, LiLiflower, LiLidragon, LiL, RiRi

 Best of LA:  I mostly love food so; Daikokuya, Fat Fish, Figaro, taco trucks, and Japanese grocery stores

What projects are you do you have in the works:  I have an art project called Brill Union with my Artner, Brent, and we are working on a series of 7 large scale installations based around concepts of duality, union and paradox. 

Also finally completing pieces of furniture I started last year! And the never ending project of cleaning out my house!!!!!

How did you get into furniture design?
Well I'm a furniture maker and have a family woodworking supply business so I suppose the one followed the other, but basically my passions are sustainability and creating. 

LA local? If not when did you get to Los Angele and why?
I moved here in 2005 mostly because life was too good in Minneapolis and I felt I needed to push myself. I also moved for the weather, and my brother – AJ Jackson, singer in the band Saint Motel -. Oh and to start a media empire. That's still in the works

What’s the first thing you think about in the morning?
Thinking in the morning is not my forte'

What was your first concert?   
My parents were punks, so who knows really. I remember a lot of street festivals in the summers too. I was always that little kid dancing. Also, I remember my mom taking my brother and I to 1st Ave in first grade, but I don't remember for who, I was just really excited to go see bands. Not much changed!

Your favorite decade?
Of mine or in the history of the world? This has been a great decade for me, but in terms of a period of time, I would say the 1920's. Women finally gained the right to vote in 1920, it was a prosperous decade (unless you lived in Germany, but Gropius did begin Bauhaus so), the whole Lost Generation, jazz, surrealism, drinking, dancing....

What’s your biggest fear?
Oh man... I used to think failure, but not even that anymore. Maybe being paralyzed? Or something bad happening to people I love?

'How do you know when you've made it?' 
 I guess to be a whole, healthy, transcended being. Or at least to be perfectly comfortable inside oneself

'What songs give you goose bumps and chills up the back of the neck?'
Elvis Costello's "I Want You"


What’s your favorite way to relax?
Whiskey and/or a bath

What’s your philosophy on life?
Accept it, own it, let it go; you are all there is and nothing. Cogito ergo sum

What’s your take on fashion/music today? Faves?
I'm not heavily into trends, prefer to keep it classy. A lot of new things, both in fashion and music, disregard aesthetics in favor of what they believe is avant garde or something, but there are reasons why no one has done them before (boots without toes), because they are ugly and stupid.

For me, fashion is about the textiles; I love soft, natural fabrics. Currently, my favorite bands are John Maus and Saint Motel (Awww she loves her bro).

What are your pet peeves?
Slow drivers. Slow thinkers.

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