Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Courtney Love has revealed she is a massive fan of Savages and wants to tour with the British band.
The former Hole singer singled out 'Shut Up', the first jam from the band's debut album 'Silence Yourself', which came out this May, for special praise.

"I was listening to this incredible new band - it's mostly girls, out of England - called the Savages. They are amazing," Love said in an interview with Vanity Fair. "There is a song called 'Shut Up'. It's kind of very Siouxsie Sioux.  And they're gorgeous! Shaved heads."
Love continued her praise for the band while taking a dig at cheesy Katy Perry: "Anyway, I would love to tour with them. I just wrote them a gushy girl fan letter because I had been listening to their stuff all day and I get so excited whenever I see a new female artist that's good and doesn’t have fireworks coming out of her tits." 
Pwahaha , admit it that’s funny!
Meanwhile, the singer and fascinating nutto also revealed that she wants to call her forthcoming memoir, due this Christmas, Girl With The Most Cake in reference to one of Hole's most famous lyrics.
Describing how the memoir is likely to turn out, she explained: "You know, it ain't going to be [Patti Smith's memoir] Just Kids. When I get older and greyer and really can sit down w the old typewriter and start bashing away. This is more like the book I aspire to, which I have on my bed stand, which is Russell Brand's My Booky Wook - which is the lamest name ever."

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