Wednesday, January 4, 2012

R.I.P. Jennifer Anderson of Seminal Punk Band The Nuns


Jennifer Anderson, a musician, writer, and model whose doll-like looks and seductive voice helped make a name for pioneering San Francisco punk band the Nuns, died last month in New York City of complications from cancer. She was 54.
Anderson, also known as Jennifer Miro or Mistress Jennifer, had been diagnosed with both liver and breast cancer.  Anderson lived out her last months in her Manhattan studio apartment, aided by visiting nurses and friend, Jill Lamar. She passed away Dec. 16, 2011, at Bellevue Hospital in New York.

"She really suffered," Lamar says of Anderson. "She really had nobody around her when she was dying."

Anderson was born May 3, 1957, and raised in the Marin suburb of Mill Valley. In 1975, Anderson met Alejandro Escovedo and Jeff Olener -- who were then film students at the College of Marin --soon after she began contributing keyboards and vocals to what would become the Nuns.
The Nuns became a mainstay of the San Francisco punk scene in the mid-70's, performing regularly at venues like the Mabuhay Gardens along with the Avengers. They opened for the Sex Pistols at Winterland on January 14, 1978 -- the final show of the Sex Pistols' original career. 

Anderson helped make the Nuns an especially memorable addition to the S.F. scene. Her looks helped Anderson find work as a model -- particularly in the fetish and S&M worlds, which fascinated Anderson and inspired much of the imagery for the Nuns' album art and later live performances.

R.I.P Jennifer Anderson

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