Friday, January 20, 2012

Fu** Going to School and Working Hard! Marry an Athlete and Watch it Rain Money!

High school guidance counselors, please dump all your college brochures into the recycling bin and update your "Have you thought about future?" speech, because having a college education, student loan bills stacked up to your ass crack and a 401k is no way to go through life. Why sit on an uncomfortable ass seat for 4 years listening to some shit you don't need to know when you can sit on some professional athlete dick and wait until he eventually screws up so you can stick your wheelbarrow under his checking account and watch it rain! Elin Nordegren already proved her her GDD (gold digger degree) shits on your PhD and Vanessa Bryant has just co-signed that.

TMZ says that after all the negotiations, my new hero Vanessa Bryant will walk away with half of her and Kobe Bryant's $150 million assets including three of their Newport Beach mansions. Vanessa's mother gets to keep her mansion and Vanessa has snatched up the mansion she lives in now and the one she and Kobe were building when she filed for divorce. Add a monthly check for child and alimony support, and Vanessa is screaming like my mom when she won $5 in the penny slots.

Okay, okay, I shouldn't say that Vanessa is completely screaming out saliva strands of happiness. I mean, her marriage did drown in a pool of rancid fuck juices Kobe made with his side hos and she was betrayed by her husband of 10 years. If you took all the money in the world, melted it into clay and molded it into an extra thick butt plug, it still wouldn't be big enough to fill the hole in Vanessa's heart. There are not enough dollar bills in the world to dry all the tears that are trickling down Vanessa's face from Kobe breaking their vows. What is coming out of my fingers? I sound like Vanessa in front of Kobe's lawyers during settlement negotiations. Bitch can fill her tear ducts with diamond gel! Bitch can buy a new heart to replace the broken one! Bitch can do anything (Helen Reddy said so!). 

This article is hilarious!  For more of this go to:

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