“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, if you could tweet to
the twits who call themselves journalists(example Chris Martins of sit-and-Spin
Magazine) that I FINISHED MY SET!!! I did my job, and they should do theirs
too–They all miss the fact that there is a difference between the
back-of-the-room-chatter that is simply annoying,–and the operatic drunken
blather, or the heckling that is really just INTERRUPTING that makes it
impossible for us to do our jobs. I hope your readers are already hip to the
fact that they are consistently lied to… no apologies.” -Fiona.
I mean look at her and look -below- at what she used to look like. Someone please feed her... and take her to rehab!
I mean look at her and look -below- at what she used to look like. Someone please feed her... and take her to rehab!
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