Lamb Of God frontman Randy Blythe has been arrested and
charged with manslaughter, according to reports from the Czech Republic. C'mon does that look like the face of a killer to you?!
According to reports, the singer was arrested yesterday
(June 28) before the band's scheduled show at Prague's Hard Rock Cage and was
later charged. The band were then forced to cancel their performance.
The incident from which Blythe has been charged reportedly
took place in 2010 at the band's show at Club Abaton, in Prague. Now if you
know shit went down, you shoudl probably skip Prague and move on to the next
destination. I mean c'mon!
According to reports, a fan jumped up on the stage where a
tussle ensued in which the fan was injured. The fan later died, reportedly as a
result of those injuries. Authorities are now seemingly claiming that Blythe is
responsible for the fan's death.
A translated statement from local Prague police reads as
follows: "We have arrested the singer and charged him with the crime of
bodily harm of 4th degree and resulting in the death of the fan.".

Maria Ferrero, a spokesperson for Lamb Of God told the
Examiner that Blythe was only following a ritual that, if done correctly, would
allow him to live forever. This obviously requires a human sacrifice! This is
true, hasn't everyone seen the movie
Jennifer's Body!?
I kid, I kid! What she really said was that he
Blythe was obviously "wrongfully accused," adding that the
"lawyers are dealing with it, and we expect him to be fully
She has since given an update on the situation, which reads
as follows: "Lamb Of God's management will be issuing an official
statement on Monday (July 2) regarding the charges made against singer Randy
Blythe. As no formal charges have yet been made and the case is only in the
investigation stages, it would be premature to make an official statement
filled with false truths or innuendos."
She continued: "Under no circumstances was there a
fight of any kind involved. This incident deals with a fan that three times
during the concert jumped the barricade and rushed Randy during the
performance. It is alleged that the third time, security was not able to reach
him and that Randy pushed him back into the audience where supposedly he fell
and hit his head."