Looks like 50 cent is pulling a Chris Brown! Sux! Recently 50
Cent has pleaded not guilty to charges of domestic violence and vandalism in a
Los Angeles court.
Despite his plea, which was made earlier today (August 5), he
was ordered to stay at least 100 yards away from Daphne Joy, the alleged mother
of his child, at all times. The court also asked him to turn in his guns. Well, duh!
Yeah, like that’s gonna keep the girl safe. He’s a thug
people! Got shot in the face nine times remember!
The rapper, real name Curtis Jackson, is accused of
attacking his ex-girlfriend and trashing her home in Los Angeles. On June 23,
police say they were called to a property in Los Angeles, where they found a
woman and a baby. The woman, who said she had been in a relationship with the
rapper for three years, told officers that the he broke her shit during an
argument. She said he kicked open her bedroom door and then kicked her.
Police say they found rooms ransacked with clothes strewn
about and items including chandeliers, furniture and a television broken. There
was thousands of dollars in damage done to the woman's home. If convicted, the
rapper could face up to five years in prison and fines.